TrendsTHE DAILY DUTY: Art needs to dare…

dotmug8 years ago5 min


The artist Cristina Guggeri, famous as Krydy, decided to go beyond common sense and borders transforming imagination into reality. Art to be truly art needs to dare, go beyond, experimenting, and just when this point is reached can it become easier to innovate and be creative..

Daily Duty: bare powerful people

The title already expresses the irony of the artist from Cagliari: to portray powerful people in the world during their daily duty, going to the toilet. So we can find an unknown Mario Draghi that is not at the BCE but in a toilet, the Kremlin is smaller, life at Buckingham Palace seems normal and the White House changes its colors. A project started in collaboration with Area Shoot at the beginning of 2015, but that keeps being updated. A series of new photomontages from the artist can be downloaded from the official web page. The message is clear and direct, with no chance of misunderstanding “The choice to capture public personalities in “their daily duty” is not only the externalization of a shared idea by all, but implies another type message. The powerful, being personalities of public importance, should not only perform their physiological duty, but realize what ordinary people expect from them: their “daily duty””

The Poor Rich

Cristina is a digital artist. She has been involved in many projects and she also uses many different techniques, from oil on canvas to Photoshop. Recently, she developed a new project called “THE POOR RICH“: where social roles are upside down and there is the hope for a new sensitive society. In an incredible exchange of roles, Queen Elizabeth is in front of her palace as a beggar, just like Obama and Putin. New and irreverent characters such as multimillionaire priests asking for charity in the Vatican’s square and Donald Trump asking for money in front of the Trump Tower. As the artist said: “Tutti, almeno una volta nella vita, abbiamo desiderato vedere chi si è arricchito alle spalle della società in maniera illecita vestito con i panni del povero, dell’affamato, del senzatetto”…

Everyone, at least once in their life, has wanted to see those who have become rich illegally, in a poor person’s shoes, in a hunfry person’s shoes, in those of a homeless person…

And we can’t contradict her…her project reveals the most hidden sensations and desires that we felt towards these people at least once in our lifetime…


"C’è una sola cosa orribile al mondo, un solo peccato imperdonabile: la noia". Oscar Wilde. Dalla redazione di Dotmug non ci annoiamo di certo. Sempre alla ricerca di notizie, condiviamo, twittiamo, instagrammiamo in costante connessione con il mondo digital.

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