TrendsI’ve seen socials you people wouldn’t believe …

Livia Del Pino8 years ago7 min


How social are we? We publish on Facebook pictures of an astonished cat looking at us, we take information just from Twitter (and if it’s not a trendy topic, then we don’t use it), we share on Instagram cookie crumbs that we transformed into a crumble worthy of Ernst Knam…but we can do better. We can be even more social. How? Let’s explore unexplored galaxies, looking at growing groups, let’s try to be sharing pioneers! We are very curious, and looking for new (and absurd) social networks!

Stache passion: a foolish and bewhiskered passion

There it is, we’ve been looking for it for ages. And it was there, hidden by an unappealing graphic and a mass- media conspiracy. The social par excellence, the one that once you’ve found it, you will never let it go: Stache Passion. But careful, you can be part of it at two conditions:

  • You have beautiful and smart moustaches
  • You are a woman, with no mustache, but you are absolutely in love with bewhiskered men.

Oh yes. Stache Passioni s a community fully dedicated to the passion for moustaches, and a beardy-themed meeting website. Paradise right?

Line for heaven: will I have enough Karma Points?

Talking about paradise, here’s Line for heaven, the social that answers (really, they say it in the about section) to the question we’ve been asking ourselves for ages: will our soul be saved? Their slogan is “Religion can be fun!” and the rules of the game are simple. First, you need to register. Then you need to focus very hard so that the road to paradise can be more direct and fun. How? Well of course, by earning Karma Points! It’s not a big effort… you can bless random people, invite friends to register to Live for Heaven, donate something to the community (money, of course), confess your sins, support other’s causes with a click, join “soul-to-soul” conversations. Oh! You also have one temptation per day allowed (who knows what kind…). Just for very devoted fellows, open to any kind of beliefs. social rabbits

From riches to rags, I Just Made Love is exactly what you are thinking: a social made to share with the world your most intimate moment. Don’t think that there are dirty pics or videos, no, it’s just the pleasure of bragging with the entire world. It’s been there for a few years now, and it’s always been the same way: coarse. The mechanism is elementary. Were you with your partner (occasional or fiancée, doesn’t matter)? Well, log in and publish a post that indicate your satisfaction and the exact place where you had intercourse. The home is a map of the world where you can find the areas with the highest concentration of “red light meetings”.

Be careful! You can’t cheat: even if the social’s logo are two rabbits, the website is made so that you can upload only one “meeting” every 20 minutes!

 How social are we? We publish on Facebook pictures of an astonished cat looking at us, we take information just from Twitter (and if it’s not a trendy topic, then we don’t use it), we share on Instagram cookie crumbs that we transformed into a crumble worthy of Ernst Knam…but we can do better. We can be even more social. How? Let’s explore unexplored galaxies, looking at growing groups, let’s try to be sharing pioneers! We are very curious, and looking for new (and absurd) social networks!


Livia Del Pino

Rifletto spesso sull'onesta reazione di Mark Twain a una domanda insidiosa: "I was gratified to be able to answer promptly, and I did. I said I didn’t know". Inseguo la conoscenza, chimera irraggiungibile, convinta che la bellezza sia proprio nel viaggio.

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