TrendsSMW 2016: “Sentieri Stagionali” to rediscover parks

Ilaria Trapuzzano8 years ago7 min


When technology opens the doors to nature, it gives new values and ways of talking about the environment and its unknown beauties. The Social Media Week ended in Milan last Friday, and it has been an occasion to talk about digital communication non only among big brands and companies, but also something that often is left on a side: food and environment. Demonstration of the increasing interest for those themes, an unreleased part of the program, dedicated to Food and Wine, areas that are in a turmoil thanks to social media.

Among the many conferences, something got our attention particularly, the one dedicated to sentieri stagionali: an integrated system relized by Snam in collaboration with Federparchi e Lifegate to promote Italian parks.

Explore parks season by season  

Sentieri Stagionali is a platform, desktop and mobile version, that allows to any visitor to plan custom paths, save them and ring them with themselves even if they are offline.

What’s so particular about them?

Besides the simple idea, the experience offered to the user is different: storytelling that combines visual and written stories (40 per park) with useful info like restaurants, lodges, hotels, itineraries…and maps. The visitor and user is never left alone, and season by season he can explore and know the chosen park. “when” is a fundamental point because it allows the visitor to go into the woods, visit its beauties, eat typical plates knowing and respecting the best moments to do so.

Innovation and environmental re- discovery

Sentieri Stagionali as Claudio Urciolo and Domenico Negrini from Snam explained, started from a question: “how to enhance the natural places we work in?”.

The project started because of the natural gas company, something that honestly, surprised us. We found out that Snam is been conducting a sustainability plan together with Enti Parco della Penisola (33 the ones of Importanza Comunitaria), demonstrating how a technological infrastructure like the one they have can perfectly coexist and interact with natural beauties, finding a balance between development and preservation of the environment.

Together with Snam there is Federparchi, the association that represents the managing authority of the natural protected areas, more than 160.

The president of Federparchi, Giampiero Sammuri, told us how this partnership, created because there was the need from Snam to place an infrastructure in a natural area, has actually been an occasion for an “environmental requalification”, that involved the two organizations.

“A collaboration that made us want to work together to enhance and give more value to parks”. A valorization that goes through the discovery of “typical local products made by many local producers who give us healthy food, together with innovative actions for a sustainable production”.

“Technology is fundamental even for a reality like ours. To think that there is no app to visit a park, some indication to help, is unthinkable”. Even in a natural environment there is the need for these instruments, useful also to manage parks”.

Ilaria Trapuzzano

“Il vero viaggio non consiste nel cercare nuove terre, ma nell’avere nuovi occhi” – M. Proust. Nata e cresciuta nel giornalismo televisivo, convertita al digitale per scelta inseguendo la voglia di sperimentare diverse forme di narrazione. Racconto la realtà attraverso una nuova prospettiva professionale e di vita, cercando ispirazione nelle cose universalmente belle: viaggi, cibo e buon vino.

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