Trends#Oscar2016… Leonardo DiCaprio and Ennio Morricone

Giulia Baroni8 years ago9 min


After 22 years and six nominations, he made it. Who are we talking about? Well for those who don’t  read the news, or check social networks of his  enthusiastic friends and excited neighbors, we are talking about Leonardo DiCaprio, who a few hours ago won the notorious golden statue as best actor for the movie The Revenant during this 88th edition of the Academy Awards.

#IStayWithLeo: Social networks and DiCaprio

The coveted moment for Leo finally arrived, and he is not the only one happy about it, but the entire social fandom is too, because they have been cheering for him for months, coming up with literally every possible thing. The Twitter population did what they do best, invent hashtags. This time, the web was evidently in favor of the blue eyed boy, and they launched the hashtag #IStayWithLeo, inviting the Academy to give him the Oscar. On Facebook, many pages were created encouraging the actor like “Give an Oscar to this man”. Viral videos that spread  the web were numerous, like the ones that show him in a Catch me if you can version.


Leo’s Red Carpet Rampage: not only social

Meme and gifs were all over internet, but not only, there were videogames too. Leo’s Red Carpet Rampage is an easy game: you need to help Leo running on the Red Carpet trying to collect as many Emmys and Golden Globes as possible. But careful, avoid paparazzi, Lady Gaga and Icebergs!

The most tweeted moment in the Oscar history

Yesterday night he made it, without running or intruders. A quiet walk down the red carpet with his lifetime friend Kate and then the wait in the theatre. Among applause, standing ovations, fairy tale dressed stars and the ones dressed as if it were a nightmare directed by Kubrick, the victory of Leo generated 440.000 Tweets per minute, making this moment the most tweeted in the Oscar history . Congrats to Leo! And Leo, between me and you, it could have been worst. Think about the poor Christophe Plummer, who got the beloved statue only at  the age of 82.

Besides the victory, the irony of the web didn’t stop…today among tweets there was one hashtag saying #IfDiCaprioWonAnOscar: if he made it in the end, then everyone can reach any goal. With this spirit, there are girls writing that if the half italian actor got the golden statue, they will be able to find a boyfriend or they will be able to graduate, become millionaires and more and more.. But maybe #IfDiCaprioWonAnOscar it means that he definitely deserved it.

Italian pride

ennio morricone

We can be proud of the fact that Leo has distant Italian origins, but what has to make us proud is that Ennio Morricone, with his 87 years of age and 60 years of career, went on stage and received his first statue. The best soundtrack of this  edition is his, thanks to the Tarantino movie TheHateful Eight. The hashtag #EnnioMorricone  reached 6 million reach and impression, and the number keeps on growing!

Giulia Baroni

Vivo in una nube, non solo come scelta digitale ma anche come scelta di vita. A volte torno sulla terra e adoro realizzare che viviamo in un mondo globalizzato, ecco perché sono sempre curiosa e pronta ad imparare da culture differenti. Vivi per imparare ed impara per vivere.

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